Hey! Nice to have you here. I have a hunch that you’re a big fan of adventures. In any case, we already have something in common and that is that you probably love the glorious fermented grape nectar as much as I do.

I am an independent regional wine importer and writer driven by a passion for wine, travel, and exploration. Constantly seeking knowledge and new experiences, I find joy in sharing the world of wine with others. While my path into the wine industry was unexpected, it has allowed me the freedom to pursue my vision of entrepreneurship and express my heritage through wine.

For the past 15 years I was very much involved as a wine lover in Bulgaria. Being moved to the Netherlands, for the next five I have developed a profound appreciation for the Bulgarian terroir and I keep a close eye on all existing Bulgarian wineries. Wine and its connection to the land fascinate me, as they embody artistry, philosophy, and a vibrant lifestyle. I still have a lot to learn about it, but I really enjoy this wine adventure.

My mission encompasses two goals:

First, I’m going to show that the little things matter. I want to introduce the charm and quality of small scale wineries, along with their captivating stories, to more people in the Netherlands, hoping they too will fall in love with them.

Second, I aim to destroy the belief that something that is still unknown cannot be appreciated. I’ll assist wine enthusiasts in discovering and savouring exceptional wines, created for any occasion, wallet & soul.

Join me on this remarkable wine journey, where each bottle holds a message destined to leave a lasting memory. Appreciate the smaller, get rid of the massive!

Let’s celebrate the symbiosis of wine, food, and good company – for these moments create the most unforgettable experiences.

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